Wildlife Besides the attention grabbing poison-arrow frogs, there exists a fascinating diversity of creatures in the rain forest. Insects, which poison-arrow frogs feed on, exist in abundance. There are possibly one million species of beetles alone in the rain forest. Several varieties are shown in Triazzle. Click Beetle - The Click beetle gets its name from the sound it makes when it tries to turn over after being knocked on its back. The Click beetle is able to arch its body and then release it with a click or pop which propels them into the air. They can do this repeatedly until they land right side up. Shield Beetle - The Shield beetle is a brightly colored, metallic looking beetle. Their bright coloration serves the same purpose as that of the poison-arrow frog, to warn off attackers. These beetles often congregate in groups to emphasize the message. Metallic Woodborer - These beetles earn their name because their larvae feed on trees and can cause considerable damage to them. Woodborers, like the shield beetles, are also metallic in appearance. Ebony Erotylid - This beetle is another metallic-looking beetle. The Ebony Erotylid is blue with a yellow stripe along its back. Many varieties of butterflies and moths also have poisons in their bodies. Their bright colors warn predators away and allow the butterflies to carry on their important work of pollination. Triazzle contains two examples, the beautiful Blue Morpho and Golden Danaid butterfly. The red and orange moth is called the Acraea and is found in many habitats, from desert to rain forest. Dragonflies are very useful insects as they feed on mosquitoes and other insects harmful to man. They’re usually about 3 inches long and may be blue, green, purple or copper in color. Another common creature in Triazzle is the snail. Snails are usually found in moist environments and the rain forests provide an excellent habitat for them. Turtles can also be found in the rain forest. The one in Triazzle is known as a Pond Slider. This member of the reptile family lives near water and can be found throughout the Western Hemisphere. Pond Sliders eat insects and other creatures when they’re young and tend to eat more plants as they grow older. Many Pond Sliders are raised and sold as pets. They range in size from 5 - 11 inches (13-30cm).creatures when they’re young and tend to eat more plants as they grow older. Many Pond Sliders are raised and sold as pets. They range in size from 5 - 11 inches (13-30cm).